Themed Entertainment>Susan Lustig: Disney's California Adventure

Disney Animation at Disney's California Adventure

DCA Animation Facade
Disney Animatiion Facade
Changing Interior Lighting gives it different night-time looks

Creative Producer:

Led the creative development of a 40,000 sq. ft. animation attraction featuring: a large screen-surround multimedia show (The Courtyard); an animation gallery (The Art of Animation); an animator show hosted by a live actor (Drawn to Animation); three highly themed guest interactive rooms (Sorcerer's Workshop); and a retail shop (Off the Page).

Disney Animation was awarded the 2002 Thea Award by the Themed Entertainment Society for best new attraction.

Disney Animaiton Courtyard
The Courtyard
With massive pani projectors and video, The Courtyard is a salute to Disney animation, the concept art through production.
Disney Sorcerer Workshop
Sorcerer's Workshop: The Great Hall
Persistence of Vision devices invites the guest to try their hand at animation in this mysterious castle room, hosted by the magic mirror in Snow White.
Disney Art of Animation
The Art of Animation
Displays of current and classic Disney Animation concept artwork
Disney Beast Library
The Sorcerer's Workshop: The Beast's Library
The magic book, hosted by Lumiere and Cogsworth, is featured where the guest answers some funny questions and is then told what Disney character their personality most resembles.
Drawn to Animation show
Drawn to Animation
Mulan's Mushu takes on the animator in this quirky live show featuring the process of creating and animating a Disney character.
Off the Page Retail Shop
Off the Page
Retail Shop